Author: Ashley
Logo for Learn To Draw
Here’s the latest Lucky Dip Logo! I had a few ideas for this one but had to pick one so went for this version (I’ll try and remember to post my page of scribble later on). As you can see, this logo ended up showing the progressive stages of someone drawing a monkey’s face –…
Logo for Sugar & Fluff Confectionery
Suzie is setting up a new business and was stumped for logo ideas… here’s the brief I received: I’m in the process of setting up my new business “Sugar and Fluff Confectionery” and I am absolutely stumped for a logo. I have no brief really, just that I’ll be selling handmade marshmallows. Potentially more things…
Logo for Geo Sites
Like it or not, I don’t always follow instructions and on this occasion I took carte blanche and basically ignored the brief… well, it is a lucky dip after all! Here’s what the ‘Lucky Dipper’ requested (they wanted something simple that their designer would be able to update): I need a logo template for…
Logo for Gerrard Finance
Here’s the latest Lucky Dip logo design. There were a couple of challenges with this logo, one being the long name and the other being the client’s desire for the letter G to be a picture . Actually there were three challenges, and the third was probably the most difficult… avoiding the cliché ideas…
Logo for Royal Eyelashes
The design for this logo was pretty straightforward, and is my literal interpretation of the company name ‘Royal Eyelashes’. The idea with the first design is that the eyelashes are formed from the shadow of the crown. I then looked at creating a simplified version by removing the sections of the crown in the…
Logo for Fancy Pants Party Bags
I had quite a bit of fun with this logo for ‘Fancy Pants Party Bags‘… I might even order some for my children’s upcoming birthdays :)… and yes, it was another free logo design! So, how did I come up with this design? Well, this week’s ‘Lucky Dipper’ asked for their logo to tick the…
Footy Jumper Shop
This one for had me stumped for a little while there. I’ll post some sketches up later, but for now here’s a list of a few ideas I had before settling on this logo design. First thought was to make a silhouette of someone taking a speccy Then I thought it’s footy so why…
Here’s the latest Lucky Dip free logo design, created for SIFE ANU’s Food Coop Project. The idea came from a mix of the description of the project and the request on Lucky Dip’s Facebook page. Some of the key words that stood out included ‘from the ground up’, ‘Business & Commerce and Marketing’, ‘positive…
Domain Farming
Here’s a couple of free logo concepts for Domain Farming. I departed from my original idea of showing only half of the word ‘domain’ that I showed a sneak peek of in my previous post about logo design ideas for a website called loan comparison. The idea with that design was to hint at…
Logo Ideas – Loan Comparison
Not sure if anyone will be interested in this but I mentioned that I would post my logo concepts from the free logo design I did for Loan Comparison. You can see on the bottom left of the above image where I started to think about combining the L and C shape to form…